Site Investigation and Remediation
We provide comprehensive services for sites throughout the U.S. that have been contaminated with solvents, PCBs, heavy metals, petroleum compounds, and other contaminants, working under a range of environmental regulations including RCRA, CERCLA, and related state laws.
Contaminated Site Investigations
We design and implement comprehensive, multi-media site investigations and then use a powerful data management system to efficiently evaluate and present the environmental data. Often, these presentations will include two- or three-dimensional models showing groundwater flow and solute transport.
Contaminated Site Remedial Design
We strive to offer the most practical, effective solutions for contaminated sites and navigate logical remedies through regulatory agency approval. When site conditions allow, we offer low-cost mechanical remediation programs, saving some clients millions of dollars compared with more complex alternatives. When challenging site conditions arise, we can offer chemical and enhanced biological remediation strategies. Often, the solution is a blend of treatment options, as in extraction (wells, trenches) and treatment (carbon adsorption, air stripping) systems to remove volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from groundwater.

- Contaminated site investigations of groundwater, surface water, river sediments, indoor air, soil vapor, soil, and bedrock conditions, and building materials
- Studies — waste characterization, site investigations/characterizations, feasibility studies, exposure assessments
- Modeling using remote sensing, geophysics, and computer systems
- Tracer tests — bedrock and surficial soil
- Hydraulic conductivity tests — in-situ and pumping
- Groundwater age dating
- River sediment remediation
- Soil vapor extraction systems for volatile organic compounds (VOCs)
- Groundwater extraction and treatment systems for VOCs and other contaminants
- Mechanical remediation for contaminated soils
- Slurry walls to control contaminated groundwater migration
- Vapor intrusion investigation and mitigation design
- Evaluation of contaminants of emerging concern

Remediation Coordination and Oversight
As your remediation project gets underway, we can remain involved to oversee the proper completion of the project and/or complete construction-phase engineering tasks.
Brownfields and Site Redevelopment Support
SME provides comprehensive services to lead and manage publicly and privately funded Brownfields Assessment, Cleanup, Revolving Loan Fund (RLF), and site redevelopment projects. Click here for more information about SME’s Brownfields support services.
Performance Testing and Reporting
Once corrective measures or site remediation is implemented, SME can provide confirmation testing, system performance testing, system optimization design, system operation and maintenance, and regulatory reporting services.